Harp Move Service 搬運服務

We provide professional harp and other instruments moving service. Please refer to below steps to make your service request to us.

本中心提供豎琴及其他樂器搬運服務, 請提供來回詳細地址作報價之用。以下是搬運服務詳情及步驟:

1. Client to what’s app 5300 3003 details of both from and to address, harp model, making date and time, any stairs. 請以what’s app 提供搬運日期、預計時間、詳細來去地址及有否梯級作報價之用。

2. Our Centre will provide a quote to client. Please note the quote will exclude parking, tunnel fee, moving stairs, seat taking with the trip. There will be additional cost will be charged if these are being known after quotation &/or client making deposit. 本中心提供之報價均不包括泊車、隧道費、梯級,跟車坐位,如以上項目於報價或付款後得悉,本中心有權追回差價。

3. Once agreed the cost, client is required to deposit the agreed fee to our Company account no less than 48 hours before harp moving time. Please what’s app 53003003 bank in slip, online transaction proof to confirm order. 如客人同意報價,請於搬運日期前最少48小時至7天內付款並what’s app 入數証明於本中心確認,本中心將於收款後通知搬運師父最後確認時間。如預遲交費用,即當取消論,之前同意之時間有機會須要重新安排。

4. Harp mover usually reconfirm the moving time by phone according to traffic situation on harp moving day. 搬運師父通常按當天交通情況以電話作最後確認時間。

5. We assumed client accepted the above arrangement before deposit and any fee received is non-refundable. Please note harp moving service usually includes harp travel cover, trolley, harp mover’s fee only. Any extra request is excluded. 請注意:客人一經付款,即表示清楚明白本中心之安排,已付費用一律不能退款,敬請留意。搬運服務已經包括所用之搬運琴套、搬運專用車及師父費用,除非服務前註明,其他額外要求不包括在報價內。

6. Any change on date and time must be confirmed by both sides (including Centre & harp mover) with at least 1 working day before the move. 如有任何時間地點等需要安排更改,必須1個工作天前經本中心及師傅同意後,方可作實有效,否則需如報價時資料為準,敬請留意。

7. Our Centre reserved the right to make final decision if there is any dispute. 如遇任何爭議,本中心保留最終之决定權。